Step1: Generating a private key & CSR:

To generate a private key and CSR, follow these steps:

  • Log in to cPanel.
  • Open the SSL/TLS tool:
    • In the Security section, click SSL/TLS:


  • Under Private Keys (KEY) section, click Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys. The Private Keys page appears.
  • Under Generate a New Private Key, confirm that the Key Type is set to RSA, 2,048-bit.
  • In the Description text box, type a descriptive name for the key, such as SSL certificate private key.
  • Click Generate. cPanel generates and displays the private key. You are now ready to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
  • Click Return to SSL/TLS.
  • Under Certificate Signing Requests (CSR), click Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests. The SSL Certificate Signing Request page appears.
  • Select the description for the private key you created in step 6 under Generate a New Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in the Key list box.
  • In the Domains text box, type the domain that you want to secure with the certificate.
  • Complete the remaining fields for the CSR.
  • To create the CSR, click Generate. cPanel generates and displays the CSR.
  • Submit a copy of the CSR text to the outside SSL provider. You are ready to enable SSL for your website after you obtain the SSL certificate from the provider.

Step 2: Installing a private key:

To install a private key, follow these steps:

  • Log in to cPanel.
  • Open the SSL/TLS tool:
    • In the Security section, click SSL/TLS:

       SSL/TLS icon

  • Under Private Keys (KEY), click Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys. The Private Keys page appears.
  • Under Upload a New Private Key, upload the key using one of the following methods:

    • Paste the key text in the Paste the key into the following text box text box, type a description in the Description text box, and then click Save.
    • Alternatively, click Browse, select the .key file on your computer, type a description in the Description text box, and then click Upload.
  • Click Go Back.
  • Click Return to SSL/TLS.
  • You are now ready to install the certificate and enable SSL for your web site. Go to the Install the certificate and Activate SSL procedure below.

Step 3: Installing the private key & Activate SSL

You should now have a third-party provider's certificate installed in addition to a private key. (A CA bundle is an optional addition.) If so, your website can now activate SSL by installing the certificate. If you have a multi-domain SSL certificate, you must install the certificate for each domain you want to secure by following the steps below.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • On the SSL/TLS page, under Certificates (CRT), click Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates. The Certificates page appears.
  • Under Upload a New Certificate, upload the certificate using one of the following methods:
    • Paste the certificate text in the Paste the certificate into the following text box text box, type a description in the Description text box, and then click Save Certificate.
    • Alternatively, click Browse, select the .crt file on your computer, type a description in the Description text box, and then click Upload Certificate.
  • Click Go Back, and then click Return to SSL/TLS.
  • Under Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS), click Manage SSL sites.
  • Under Install an SSL Website, click Browse Certificates, select the certificate you want to use, and then click Use Certificate. cPanel fills in the Certificate (CRT) and Private Key (KEY) fields automatically.
  • In the Domain list box, select the domain you want to secure with the certificate.
  • If a CA (Certificate Authority) bundle is required for your SSL certificate, paste it under Certificate Authority Bundle (CABUNDLE). If not, leave this field empty.
  • Click Install Certificate. cPanel installs the certificate on the server and enables SSL. When the process is complete, you receive an SSL Host Successfully Installed message.
  • Click OK. Using the https:// prefix in a web browser, you can now safely access the specified domain. 
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