To create a new email account, perform the following steps:

1. Log in to your SiteWorx account.
2. In the Email section, click on Mailboxes.
mailboxes icon

3. Click on the Plus icon.
plus icon

4. Enter the following details:

  • E-mail Address: Enter a new email username, such as your first name. If you have multiple domains, choose the domain from the drop-down list.
  • Password: Enter a password, or click on Magic Wand to generate one.
  • Disk Space Quota: Enter the mailbox quota in megabytes or click on the Unlimited icon.
  • Send Copy To: You can leave this as it is. A copy of the messages will be sent to the listed email addresses.

email box addition

5. Click on Add.

Once your email account is created, it will appear under the Existing E-mail Boxes.
existing email boxes

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