Viewing articles tagged 'Perl'
Only Perl scripts that are executed as CGI scripts via a user's web browser are covered by this...
It can be challenging to try and debug a Perl script using a web browser. For instance, file...
Depending on the specific function of the script, the appropriate permissions for Perl script...
Check to see if the permissions on the Perl script file are appropriate. Which file permissions...
A Perl script file should be in UNIX text format, not DOS. Line breaks are encoded differently in...
Always utilize ASCII mode when using FTP to upload Perl scripts to your website. If you upload...
The absolute path to the Perl executable on Hostginger Hosting's servers is /bin/perl. Generally...
The extension of Perl script files can be either .pl or.cgi. However, the file extension depends...
Hostginger Hosting's servers currently use Perl version 5.30. To determine the Perl version from...