Follow this tutorial to add a new domain to your Plesk account.

1. Log in to your Plesk account.

2. Click on Websites & Domains from the Sidebar Menu.

Plesk Websites & Domains

3. Click on Add Domain.

Plesk Add Domain

4. Please, choose Blank Website as an option.

Plesk Blank Website

5. In Adding New Domain, enter the following details:

  • Select your domain name: Choose the Registered domain name option. If you don't have a domain, choose Temporary domain name.
  • Registered domain name: Enter your domain name.
  • Hosting Type: Select Website Hosting from the drop-down menu. You can leave all other options as they are.

Adding New Domain

6. Click on Add Domain.

Once your domain is added, you can manage it from the Websites & Domains option.

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