You can access your email account from DirectAdmin using two methods.

Method 1: (Automatic login)

1. Log in to your DirectAdmin Account.

2. In the E-mail Manager section, click on E-mail Accounts or type E-mail Accounts in the navigation filter box, and the option will appear. Click on it.
email manager icon

3. Under the Email Account list, the email address appears with a plus icon on the right side.
email account list

4. Click on the Plus icon and then on Sign In to Webmail.
webmail signing

5. Your browser may prompt you to allow a popup window. Confirm it, and you will be re-directed to Webmail.

Method 2: (Username/Password is required)

1. Log in to your DirectAdmin Account.

2. In the Extra Features section, click on your preferred webmail, such as Squirrelmail, or on the Roundcube icon. Alternatively, type Webmail in the navigation filter box. The option will appear.
webmail icon

3. Enter your full email address and password.
mail address view

4. Click on Login.


You can manage your email account from the webmail reader.

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