It is possible to "clone" repositories. Git creates an exact replica of an existing repository when you clone it. Assume you have a repository called "organiser". To clone the repository into a directory named "organiser_clone", run the following command, replacing username with your own account username:

git clone /home/username/organiser /home/username/organiser_clone

The "organiser_clone" directory is now an exact copy of the "organiser" repository.

When someone wants to make modifications in the "organiser_clone" directory that he wants to pull back into the original "organiser" directory. Then to accomplish this, use the following commands, replacing username with your own account username:

The git pull command is used to retrieve and download content from a remote repository and then immediately update the local repository with that content.

cd /home/username/organiser
git pull /home/username/organiser_clone master
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