You can build unique Python environments on your own with the virtualenv application. The installation directories, Python executables, packages, and modules that comprise up a custom environment are specific to it. You don't need to be concerned about other programs installing incompatible versions or otherwise changing the setup of the application because the environment is isolated.

Use virtualenv to establish a unique Python environment by doing the following actions:

  1. Log in to your account using SSH.
  2. To make sure you are in your home directory, type the following command at the command line: cd
  3. To create the environment, type the following command. You can replace "experiment" with any name you want: virtualenv experiment.   Virtualenv sets up the Python environment and installs the pip program.
  4. To use the new environment, you must activate it first. To do this, type the following command: source experiment/bin/activate
  5. When you are done working in the environment, type the following command: deactivate
    The command prompt resumes its usual state.
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