In this article, Subversion configuration(sometimes referred to as SVN) is shown. Setting up repositories on the server and configuring clients to access them are required for this. You can keep track of many revisions of files and directories with Subversion. All shared servers owned by Hostginger Hosting have it installed.

Simply use SSH to access your Hostginger Hosting account, then enter the following command to create an SVN repository:

svnadmin create /home/username/repository

Replace username with the username associated with your Hostginger Hosting account, and replace repository with the name of the directory where you wish to create the repository (the svnadmin create command creates the directory if it does not already exist).

Selection of Authentication Method:

You need to use an SVN client that supports SSH (Secure Shell) in order to access SVN repositories on a Hostginger Hosting server from another device. Connections through HTTP and HTTPS are not permitted.
SSH accepts both password-based and public-key authentication as valid authentication methods. An SVN client must perform SSH authentication each time it connects to a repository. To save yourself from the trouble of repeatedly typing a password:

  1. Use an SSH password caching tool, such as SSH-agent on a Unix-like system.
  2. Generate a key pair and use public-key authentication.

Configuration of an SVN Client using Public-Key Authentication:

You should install an SVN client so you can access repositories from different computers as well as check out and import files from the server.

  1. Generate a key pair for SSH public-key authentication, and then deploy the public key to the Hostginger Hosting server.
  2. Configure the SSH client to connect to the Hostginger Hosting server using the private key.
  3. Configure the SVN client.

When installing an SVN client on a machine running a Linux-based operating system, adhere to these steps.

  1. Generating a key-pair.
  2. Configuring the SSH-client to connect to the Hostginger Hosting Server.
  3. Configuring SVN client-
               The simplest approach to accomplish this is to establish a special Subversion protocol that is only usable on servers owned by Hostginger Hosting. This enables you to continue using the usual svn+ssh protocol on servers that employ the SSH standard port 22.

The steps below can be used to establish a unique SSH protocol for Subversion.

  1. Open the /.subversion/config file in a text editor on the client computer.
  2. Locate the [tunnels] section, and then add the following line of text: hostgingerhosting = ssh -p 22 -q
  3. Save the changes and exit the text editor.
  4. You can now access an SVN repository over SSH using the unique protocol svn+hostgingerhosting://. 
  5. svn co svn+hostgingerhosting://[email protected]/home/username/repository -

To check out files from a repository on a Hostginger Hosting server to your client PC, for instance, use the command indicated above. Replace both occurrences of username with the username associated with your Hostginger Hosting account, with the name of your website, and repository with the location of the repository.

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