
'403 Forbidden' error message

Problem You get a "403 Forbidden" error notice when you try to access your site with a web...

How to Use the Apache Access and Error Logs

This article will show you how to see Apache log files on a dedicated server or virtual private...

How to change the www prefix in domain URLs

This article explains how to add or remove the www prefix from your domain's URLs. For example,...

How to disable entity tags (ETags)

This article will show you how to stop your website from sending entity tags (ETags) in HTTP...

How to install Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat is a well-known and dependable open-source Java web server. Tomcat is a Java HTTP...

How to troubleshoot CGI scripts

If your CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script isn't working, try the following troubleshooting...

How to use Server-Side Includes (SSI)

This tutorial will show you how to set up and use Apache Server-Side Includes (SSI) on your...

How to use keep-alive connections to improve performance

This article explains how to use keep-alive connections to improve performance in Apache. How to...

How to use the AcceptPathInfo directive to enable pathname information in URLs

When to utilize the AcceptPathInfo Apache directive in an.htaccess file is covered in this...

How to use the mod_expires module to enable caching

This article provides an overview of Apache's document expiration functionality, as supplied by...

What is the procedure for changing the document root directory?

This article explains how to alter the document root directory for a shared server account. The...