This article will show you how to stop your website from sending entity tags (ETags) in HTTP headers.

About Etags

Entity tags (ETags) are used to govern web caching behavior in HTTP headers. They allow web clients to determine whether the content in their cache matches the content on the web server. If the entity tags for a given resource (such as an image file) do not match, the web client requests the most recent version from the server.

Entity tags are enabled by default on your hosting account. There may be times when you do not wish to transmit entity tag headers. For example, you might want to disable entity tags when developing a site or testing web caching.

Disabling Etags

To disable sending entity tags in the HTTP headers, add the following two lines to an .htaccess file in your account's public_html directory:

Header unset ETag
FileETag None

The changes take effect immediately. To re-enable entity tags, comment out or delete the two lines in the .htaccess file.

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